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The Incredible Heart Sound Recorder (Endocardiograph)

Available by appointment

The Heart Sound Recorder (Endocardiograph) is a computer based low risk, general wellness, heart stress monitor used to acquire, display, record and save heart sounds. The Heart Stress Monitor records and displays the low frequency component of the heart cycle as a waveform on a PC for the purpose of visualizing the rate, rhythm and tone of the heart cycle. This can be used to compare current and previous heart cycle waveforms before and after analysis for trending purposes.

No symptom of disease disappear faster or more satisfactorily than the heart (usually improvement is noted within minutes of administering the proper nutritional support.) The Endocardiograph lends itself to determining the nutritional requirements of the circulatory and cardiovascular operation which reflect the condition of the entire body.



Certain types of heart stress can be monitored by visualizing the rate, rhythm and tone of the heart cycle. As a result, the heart’s reaction to certain stressors, i.e. chemical, nutritional and emotional, can be observed using this type of device. The response to informed suggestions can be monitored by observing changes of the frequency, ratio, amplitude and characteristics of the heart’s waveform. Comparison graphs can help determine the effectiveness of actions taken to improve the quality of life.
​As with any wellness device, recommendations for lifestyle changes implied by using this technology should be undertaken only with the guidance of a licensed physician, therapist, or holistic healthcare practitioner. 




  • The EKG is looking at electrical function and the trauma the heart has undergone.

  • The HSR looks at valvular (valves) and musculature function showing what is happening now.​

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10 Primary Observational Findings for the Heart Sound Recorder based on Rate, Rhythm and Tone.​

  1. ​General Wellness Support

  2. Autonomic Nervous System Balance

  3. First Sound in Mitral and Tricuspid Valves

  4. Second Sound in Mitral and Tricuspid Valves

  5. Proper Separation in the Valves of the First Heart Sound

  6. Evaluate for Mitral and Tricuspid Valve Function

  7. Asynchronistic (out of sync) Rhythm of Any Valve

  8. Absence of Second Heart Sound for Any Valve

  9. High or Elevated Second Sound in Aortic Valve

  10. High or Elevated Second Sound in Pulmonic Valve

Join us for this incredible opportunity and experience the most advanced program in heart health.




The ultimate in heart function evaluation!

The Heart Sound Recorder 
is a computer-based, low risk, state of the art general wellness monitor that will allow us to evaluate your heart health and nutritional needs


Every day, your heart beats 100,000 times, sending 
​2000 gallons of blood surging through your body


It is vital that your heart has the proper nutritional balance in order to keep the correct rate, rhythm, and tone.
Come learn about the new Heart Sound Recorder and have your heart checked for these important and life-saving factors.

Heart Disease in the United States

  • Heart disease is the leading cause of death for BOTH Men and Women in America

  • The human heart is the hardest working muscle in the body

  • About 610,000 people die of heart disease in the United States every year - that's 1 in every 4 deaths

  • Blood fully circulates through the heart every 60 seconds

  • Your body's blood vessels (arteries, veins, capillaries) stretch over 100,000 miles

  • Deaths due to cardiovascular diseases increased by 41% between 1990 and 2013

  • For 60% of people, death is the first sign of imbalance

  • Annually 735,000 Americans have a heart attack - 525,000 are first time heart attack victims and 210,000 happen in people who have already had a heart attack

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The heart's reaction to certain stressors, (i.e. chemical, nutritional and emotional) can be observed using this type of device. Certain types of heart stress can be monitored by seeing the RATE, RHYTHM and TONE of the heart cycle on the Heart Sound Recorder graph.


  • Your nervous system controls the RATE at which your heart beats. One side of your nervous system manages your "fight or flight" response and can accelerate your heart rate. The other side manages your "rest and digest" response and can slow your heart rate. You need a healthy balance between the two.

  • The RHYTHM of your heart should show a specific work to rest ratio on the graph. Your heart should be resting twice as long as it is working. Observations are made to see if your heart is working too hard, or not working hard enough.

  • The TONE of your heart is referring to the strength of the ventricles as they push blood through your body. The height and the width of the "lub dub" sound your heart makes on the graph, shows how efficiently your heart is pushing blood through your body and refilling to prepare for the next cardiac cycle.

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Everyone should be checked on the Heart Sound Recorder. 

This is not just for the heart patient!

​This non invasive scan will allow us to evaluate your nutritional needs for optimal heart and body health and wellness.


Call or email to reserve your spot today!





How it works:

Step 1

*Write down what you have eaten and drank this week. 


*Review your health history so we can talk about it!

Step 2

*Schedule your appointment!



Step 3

*Check your email

for instructions

to log into your patient portal and complete your new patient forms!

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